Day Twenty Seven – French Dressing

Day 27 - French Dressing

There is a particular Mexican Restaurant that I love to frequent.

They have bottles of French and Ranch dressing that one can put on anything.  I like to put the orange sauce on their homemade chips   🙂

While waiting for our order, I had a FUNspiration that popped into my head.  Squeezing the bottle carefully, I created a DragonFly.  The waitress came by and just shook her head 😦  The proper response to this masterpiece would be “WHOA!  That is AWEsome!!!”

Let me know about your AWEsome.

❤ GG

Day Twenty Five – Steam

Day 25 - Steam

Do you remember being on the school bus on a cold day and drawing on the windows?  Same idea, but this time I didn’t get in trouble 🙂

After a shower, I noticed the blank canvas that was my mirror.  I took out a fine instrument.  My index finger and drew this DragonFly 🙂

The hardest part for me was the shot.  How do I capture this piece without me being in the mirror in my towel?  (Shhh!)

My favorite part about this photo is how there are vertical stripes on the DragonFly reflecting from the wall and the door.

❤ GG


Day Twenty Three – Origami

day 23 - origami


I have a lady friend that has a ton of subscriptions to fashion magazines.  After she is done reading them, she will pass them along to others.  

At lunch one day, I was enjoying one of those magazines, patterns and designs inspire me.  Noticing that there were some very colorful pages,  I just tore one out and Googled how to make an origami DragonFly.  

AND THIS my friends is the final product.  I ❤ to repurpose!

Do you ever make anything out of magazines?

❤ GG

Day Twenty Two – Lotion on Tile

Day 22 - Lotion on Tile


It was right before bed and very very late.  I was contemplated creating two DragonFies tomorrow.

Here’s the scene – I just finished washing my face and thought of drawing an outline of a dragonfly by squeezing lotion on to the counter.  Such a small place (4″ tiles).  It was hard to have control over the lines with just the right amount of pressure on the bottle.

So to not waste anymore lotion, I smeared the lotion into a pattern.  Out of the corner of my eye I saw some bobby pins.  I used those as my tools to create a pretty cool design.  I love how there is a heart on the body 🙂

Tell me about a wacky idea that you have had?

❤ GG

Day Twenty – Egg-xellent

Day 20 - Easter


Tis the season for new life, blossoms, new leaves, hatching eggs, baby animals being born, etc.

While hanging out with my nieces and nephews, I created this FUNspiration.  It started out with a tie dye kit.   An egg was wrapped in a porous cloth, then held in a plastic cage.  Then using a miniature siphon and the dye from the different cups with liquid color, squirting the egg.  Letting the dye soak into the cloth.  I let it simmer the whole time I was there.  That is why there is only one egg colored 🙂

I removed shroud from around the egg and rising out to see the light was the brilliance, shining like the sun.

The pattern that turned out was spectacular, but it wasn’t finished until I pulled out a Sharpie and drew on DragonFly!

This egg was auctioned off to all the kiddos.  I asked each to pick a number between 1 & 7.  #7 won!  I also let them in on a secret.  “When ask you to guess a number….it is ALWAYS 7”.

Did you make any festively colored eggs?  Show me!

❤ GG

Day Nineteen – That’s a Wrap

Day 19 - scarf


I just love this color Kelly Green!

It was the color of my Elementary school, paired with Navy Blue. Not very many schools had these colors or the same type of pairing, it so was unique.

As a tween, we would go to multi school events for the district, we would totally stand out 🙂  What makes it even better was that we would win any and all events.  A clean sweep if you will.  Other schools were Green with Envy!

On to the FUNspiration for this scarf.  Since spring sprung, I wanted to give life to this fantastic piece of material for one last time before it was wrapped away to the winter box.  Here spring is around 80ºF plus, so I can’t sport the scarf  😦

Can you still wear scarves where you live at this time of year?

❤ GG