Day Seven – This Socks!

Day 8 - Not SocksThe FUNspiration behind this DragonFly was laundry….as a friend of mine says “Awe Laundry, it’s loads of fun”.  Shown here are five “not socks”, these are the socks that you wear when you don’t want to wear nylons or bulky socks, but still want to look like you’re barefoot in closed toed dress shoes.  Also another plus, is feet get less sweaty and shoes are less stinky.

You’re Welcome!

❤ GG

Day Six – Gratitude

Day 6 - DF Thanks CardA person can truly find a DragonFly anywhere you just have to have your monocle and fine tooth comb out while searching. Tip-toeing is not necessary 🙂

I was in this “neighborhood general store” waiting for our name to be called for a brunch table.  I was just simply meandering around the store, then BINGO!  There it was.  A card with a DragonFly.  So unassuming!  DragonFlies in any form are usually small and tucked away, but with a keen eye, the world of DragonFly hunting is opened.  Once spotted there is opera music playing and a spot light shining upon these magnificent creatures.  Well at least that is what happens in my head, but for my outer appearance there is usually a skip in my step and a stare of admiration while grinning ear to ear.

This FUNspiration shows the glistening of the glitter*ed wings.  Soooo this time it wasn’t all in my head.  It was also a perfect end cap photo to show my Thankfulness to my great friends, great food, & great times.  Thanks Ladies!

❤ GG

PS I didn’t end up buying the card, but I did get some information so that if you would like buy the card, you can do so here.

*Glitter is one of my obsessions.  I love anything that sparkles.  If something is not so cute….ADD glitter…VIOLA…instant beauty.  I love wearing glitter, I love things that sparkle, I love the way that the light picks up colors and reflects a glimmer of beauty.  I love it so much – I’ve been dubbed Auntie Sparkle!!!  Not to be confused with Anti-Sparkle…I’m totally the opposite of that 🙂

Day Five – Pierced

Day 5 - DragonFly Piercing

My close friends, friends of friends, & I gathered in Southern California this weekend to just get away and refresh our inner spirit.  We met some awesome inspiring people, danced like nobody was watching, celebrated a few birthdays, laughed, had some deep conversations and light convos as well.  Soon the friends of friends became my friends too.  Good Times!!!

While we were walking downtown, we spotted a tattoo and piercing shop.  One of us gals wanted to get the upper ear pierced.  While the bravest of the group decided on her earring, I perused the shop for something to catch my eye.  I quickly zoomed in on a case of belly button rings.  There were so many to choose from, but my eyes found this beautiful opalescent DragonFly.  It was the only one in there, making more happy because it was unique. 🙂

❤ GG

Day Four – Fluff in a Bottle

Do you ever wander what you can do with the cotton that you find in vitamin and supplement bottles?  Think no further.  Sculpt a DragonFly!  Or anything else for that matter.  Don’t just throw it away, repurpose it by having some fun with it first.

This piece of cotton can also be used as a toe separator when you are doing your own pedicure, use it to remove nail polish from your nails, cut it into balls and glue it to paper for clouds…  The possibilities are endless.

Share with me your thoughts & FUNspiration 🙂

❤ GG


Day Three – Studded Bling

Day 3 - shirt of glitz

Today’s DragonFly FUNspiration came from my clothing.

A short time ago I was feeling a little under the weather.  So I decided to wear my Pretty – Britney Pink* – Metal Studded Bling Long-sleeve Shirt from Old Navy.  It definitely made me feel like I was wearing a warm *hug* from home.  Nice and comfy making me feel better, or at least helped in the recovery. 🙂

❤ GG

*I’m a HUGE fan of Britney as in Spears.  Take note, I talk about her like we are good friends.  Referring to her by her first name only.  🙂  I make tons of references to Britney in my daily life and will try to show you where I get the references.

See the below picture that I reposted from the internet – sited.  She is wearing “Britney Pink”, circa 2002-ish.  So Pretty!!!

Day Two – All Tied Up

Day 2 - Funky bow

Since it is my Birthday today, I am going to share a picture of a bow that was fashioned into a DragonFly on a present that I actually gave to my niece on her B-Day.  The FUNspiration behind this piece was Nature.  I gave her a garden package, complete with a knee pad, garden tools, & gloves.  To complete the look reminiscent of the garden, it was All Tied Up with a ribbon created into a DragonFly.

❤ GG

Day One – It’s not easy being green…

iPhoto Library

My FUNspiration for this post came from breakfast.  I ordered eggs and avocado.  Little did I know that when I was down to the last couple of bites, this piece of food was going to speak to me begging for his life.

“You know what I want to be in my reincarnated life?  I want to be a DragonFly.” said the Avo.

“What the…?”  It took all that was in me to ignore the fruit and not talk back.  At first I looked away but the green color summoned me.  I thought it was a rather strange request, but I said further.  “A DragonFly, What do you know about DragonFlies?”

It talked about when he was a growing bud on the tree.  He would see DragonFlies being so free to fly around, looking brilliant in the air with its iridescent wings, eating the pests that could harm it’s mother tree.  And if one day he could be anything that he wanted to be, it was going to be this insect.  He didn’t like hanging on the tree seeing the world pass him by, he wanted to be actively helping others.

“Shhhh” I told him.  But he would not stop blabbering.  Why was I talking to an Avocado and why was it so smart?  Could it possibly be because of his high fat content that he had such a large, well developed brain? Probably, but I had to make one of two choices.  Help the Fruit or Eat the Fruit!

Well I didn’t want to be a jerk.  I figured that if this fruit had enough guts to face a human and ask for help, I should at least humor the poor thing.

“I heard that…” he said in a stern voice.  What?  Does he read minds now?


After I closed my eyes for a brief moment and shook my head, I slowly picked up the knife and started sculpting out this master piece.  He moaned like I was giving him a massage.  My eyes almost got stuck in the back of my head because I rolled them so many times.  But some of his Jalapeño friends from the salsa wanted to be included as well.  My question is how long were they in this restaurant to be making friends?

When I was done my friends thought it was fantastic.  The Green One smiled back at me like he had just received a celebrity makeover on a mid-day talk show.  Not only did I feel a little ridiculous, but had that warm fuzzy feeling for helping a fruit out.  I took out my camera and he was definitely ready for his close-up.  Do you see that smile?

After all was said and done, he tried to get up an fly away.  He struggled way too much, I had made his wings….well non existent.  The only thing left for me to do was to pick him up with my fork and zoom him around and around right into the big black hole……MY MOUTH!!!




Welcome Everybody!!!

Hello and welcome to my life outside the office with me Gwyndolyn Grace O’Daire (clear throat) Let’s not get so formal, rather I’m also know as Gwyny G or GG, Expert Extraordinaire of FUNspiration. We all have hard days at the office, but this is a safe place for creativity, fun and most importantly inspiration. My vision for this movement is to be experienced on multimedia platforms each having it’s own flair: whether it be here at the website, Pintrest, YouTube, Twitter, and/or Google+.

At my website will have an area for my written blog, including postings, pictures, and some YouTube videos. My 1st project to be featured on the website is what I’m call a Project 365 entitled DragonFly A Day (DFAD). Everyday for a year I will be posting a photo of a dragonfly of any form, whether it be one that I have created, one that I found out and about on my daily musings or if I hunted real one down to take a photo of it (those guys are fast). The picture will have a brief caption description, maybe how it has inspired me.

As a side project on the site there will be bits and pieces of how my mind works – my likings, my quirks, new items or things, awesome advice, and maybe some memories. Here the possibilities are endless. These postings will pop up when you least expect them and they will be intermingled with DFAD

Next is Pintrest. This is an awesome place to pin my pictures of my dragonflies and things that I find so very awesome maybe inspiration for a post or video. Also I will pin items from other websites, why not something from your website 🙂

YouTube will be the media where I get to talk with you “in person” and show you various things like my adventures, easy projects and step by step DIY’s. The videos are short snidbits to share my ideas, tips, tricks, advice, and life hacks 🙂 Maybe even introducing some of my friends and family. What I would love is that you can also make a video response, so I can “meet” you too:)

Twitter will be a place where you can ask me questions, make your suggestions or simply just say Hi. I will post tips, quotes, rants, etc. This is a very fun way to have a thought and just get it out there.

Google+ will have all the links to all the fun. This is also an area where you will be able to share with me and others what inspires you, projects that you are working on, or simply memories and inspirations. I would like our Google+ page to be very interactive and a fun and friendly zone to meet others to be inspired by them. I love meeting other people because we each bring something unique to the table. I want to interact with you as much as possible.

Let’s make life interesting! Here’s too My Life Outside The Office (raise a glass) CHEERS!

❤ GG