Day Five – Pierced

Day 5 - DragonFly Piercing

My close friends, friends of friends, & I gathered in Southern California this weekend to just get away and refresh our inner spirit.  We met some awesome inspiring people, danced like nobody was watching, celebrated a few birthdays, laughed, had some deep conversations and light convos as well.  Soon the friends of friends became my friends too.  Good Times!!!

While we were walking downtown, we spotted a tattoo and piercing shop.  One of us gals wanted to get the upper ear pierced.  While the bravest of the group decided on her earring, I perused the shop for something to catch my eye.  I quickly zoomed in on a case of belly button rings.  There were so many to choose from, but my eyes found this beautiful opalescent DragonFly.  It was the only one in there, making more happy because it was unique. 🙂

❤ GG