Day Ten – Pencil Doodle

Dragonfly #4 drawn with a wooden pencil on the back of a flyer. measures1/2"

What should I do with a sharpened old wooden #2 pencil when I no longer have to take scan-tron tests?  Should I find a random paper that’s lying around the house and marry to two together?   Hey why not draw a DragonFly!

This piece of FUNspiration was drawn with a wooden pencil on the back of a white paper flyer.  The DragonFly itself measures only a half a tiny inch (1/2″).  The flutter pattern* is about 1 1/2″.  Great things come in small packages!

❤ GG

* Special note – I like to draw a flight pattern for DragonFlies.  It usually consists of a spiral pattern 🙂  It gives them more personality.